NA OBEDIÊNCIA TEM RECOMPENSA PARTE 01 02 PASTORA TÂNIA TEREZA Gossip boss Grace and peace but isn't that you may be seated and so you don't think that I shouldn't preach on sitting down I want to tell you that Jesus preached a.


Lot of time sitting down in the in the mountains sitting down when you walk into the bowl of Peter he preach sitting down it's not my feet or my legs that will.

Make a difference in your life is the word [Applause] [Laughter] 14..

Jesus is saying his goodbyes the device will be propried he's gonna go to the father yeah he has his last words to his disciples he says something very important.

Frequency that I need you to remember every frequency the father in verse a of John 14 Jesus and Jesus responded.

For so long I've been with you that you don't know who I am the father come with Jesus how do you save show me the father now don't you believe that the father's.

Enemy and I'm with the Father the words I say I don't say it for me but is the father who works with me who does his Works within me.

Due to those same works and truly truly I said the one who believes in Me is This than the ones foreign my commands.

Giant [Music] as a gift a gift yes and it's by my faith.

Is that I'll be able to do great things that's what Jesus said who believes even greater things I started seeing wonders and God worked.

My life and through my Ministry and I was able to understand the greater they don't know she does not speak of intensity.

He speaks in places his joints regions he speaks of places he has never stepped on and his body his church does step up if he says Jerusalem he made miracles in.



    Samaria to go all over the world foreign who we leave will be baptized will be.

    Safe [Applause] and he said those signs we go with the ones who believe that's a nice sovereign.

    We can think of Walmart foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] you think.

    Foreign [Music] but just the things that are important allow us to see only the moment that we're living.

    If I were to ask you what's the presence you will say today's day it wasn't no I would say absolutely depressant is the second in the night because your lunch is already passed is.

    That free let's pass if you look at the clock on the wall you fight it goes and it goes no it is the service started exactly until 7 30..

    For a Brazilian lady that's been here for a while and I ask her no idea of the security and the economy of this land.

    There's nothing better than the economy in the United States and there's nothing we can do for him she said everything is really secure here you're just glad it deals and we.

    Say glory to God the next day I grab a plane I went back to Brazil and the following day when I arrived to Brazil interview lines in between the.


    And the Twin Towers fell down and the economy of the United States and everything that we had that was our future.

    It was impossible for you in March 2020 I ended my classes so the only security is that he's in control.

    And absolutely everything absolutely things [Applause] [Music] I want to tell you a few stories.

    Very short you had a professor I used to be a teacher and I thought in a very small school do Brazil started from a city in Brazil and I used to have kids.

    That had nothing to do um speaking all nonsense and they were close to being lost I was raised with their own family.

    I was raised with no care you say I want vitamination and I know where something like that will end up and I will see my students and I was really really worried for them.

    And then I had an idea they went to study I need to believe there's a future for them dude we need to know God is in control.

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